Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving Douglas County 4-H

Hello Douglas County 4-H families,

'Tis the season to be thankful and a Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

As I consider what it means to be thankful, my mind wanders to two classmates from high school. I am thankful to have connected with these people through social networking because while neither was a best friend in school, I love knowing how they are doing and what's been going on for the last 20+ years.

And then one day recently, the husband of one of these friends contracted H1N1. He rapidly declined and was hospitalized. His kidneys started failing and he had to go on dialysis. In a few short days, he went from a healthy normal life full of the usual things to a sudden and unexpected passing. His wife, my classmate, was devastated and lost - and still is - yet she continued to thank those around her. Her family and friends were there every step of the way.

My other friend, a year younger than me, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer on September 18. He died November 23, this week of Thanksgiving. When his friends learned of his diagnosis, what happened? They rallied around him and organized a fundraiser on his behalf, a fun day of bowling, live band music, laughing, hugging, and support - as it turned out, 8 days before he passed away.

These are both devastating and shockingly sudden situations. And yet I witnessed profound thankfulness and gratitude during these hardships. Both classmates held strong to optimism even in their sorrow, drew their friends and family closer, took the time to tell these people thank you, and caused those around them to join together as one strong and gracious and connected group.

I can ask for no better reminders that focusing on gratitude, and indeed making it the very foundation of my life, will bring only the most positive and profound results for everyone around me.

So I say to you, be thankful. Be thankful for your parents, even if you're grounded - because they love you. Be thankful for your grandparents every day you have them - they may be with you only a short time. Be thankful for your kids, even when their boundless energy wears you out - because it's good to remember that we too had boundless energy! Be thankful for your coworkers - because variety really is the spice of life and the challenges they present make you grow. Be thankful for paperwork (this is a hard one for me!) - because that's what makes your paycheck happen, your insurance pay your medical costs, and your kids to be enrolled in 4-H.

Thank you all.


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