Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Ramblings on being thankful

I seem to be suffering writer's block this week, so I decided I can always talk about being thankful for you all.

Even though Thanksgiving is over, being thankful for the Douglas County 4-H Program members and staff isn't.

As the newest member of the team, I've had a lot to learn about how 4-H works - and I'm still learning! Just when I think I know something, I find out I don't. I appreciate the ongoing patience of the 4-H staff and all 4-H families as I continue forward.

Thank you to...

Kathe Jackson, knower of all things 4-H. Without her, where would I be in my 4-H learning curve.

Mary Baldwin, dedicated 4-H Agent. Without her keeping the 4-H ship afloat along with Kathe, where would the whole office be, much less me.

4-H members, the reason we all do this. I have had the opportunity to get to know a few of you and it makes me realize how much I enjoy working with youth. You guys are wonderful.

4-H parents and volunteers, without whom there would be no 4-H. I've also had the opportunity to get to know a few of you as well. Thank you for making me welcome this last year and a half.

I'm sure the muse will visit me soon, and I'll have more to post on the blog later this week!


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