Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Thank you and goodbye summer staff....

As county fair season draws to a close, we realized that tomorrow is the last day our summer staff will be here: Dylan Wilson, the summer secretary, and Noah VanBibber, the intern.

Dylan has been great. She has a ready smile, jumps in when we need her, and doesn't shy away from hard work. It's been a real asset to have someone here who was a 4-H member and is familiar with how it works in Douglas County. This weekend, Dylan heads back up to her sorority at UNC, Delta Zeta, and it's right back into college life. No rest for the weary!

This has been Noah's third year as our intern. He took on much of Alexa's agent-level fair responsibilities regarding livestock and horse and did a fantastic job. It's true that he does not have a master's degree, but it was clear that his numerous years in 4-H and intern time in the office helped prepare him for the difficult role he took on. I think it's safe to say that a brand new intern couldn't have done it. From our hearts, we truly mean it when we say we couldn't have done it without him!

Thank you both.

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