Thursday, May 29, 2008

Nature deficit disorder: a serious issue for today's children

A recent study of today's children revealed that the average time spent in front of a television or computer screen is six hours a day. Kids spend less than four minutes a day engaged in unstructured outdoor play. Researchers call this condition "nature deficit disorder".

This emphasis of indoor time spent in front of screens versus outdoor play and discovery has been correlated with negative psychological and physical effects including obesity, loneliness, depression, attention problems and greater social isolation due to reduced time with friends and family. The term “nature-deficit disorder” was coined by author Richard Louv in his book “Last Child in the Woods”.

The value of 4-H is stronger than ever in light of this growing issue. The program provides many opportunities for young people to spend time outdoors engaged in meaningful activities and connecting to the natural environment. This type of connection has a positive lifelong impact.

For more information, check out the book mentioned above.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a Program Director for Mount Carmel Youth Ranch, I fully agree with this study. We have found that many youth-at-risk suffer from the lack of outdoor experiences. Our ranch supplies and fills this need through a full, life-cycle working cattle ranch. I have worked with 4-H all my life, and understand that this healthy environment is good for the mind, body and spirit. Keep up the good work. You are the front line for our youth and the future of this country.

Lester A. Dumm